Friday, March 31, 2017

Here's What We've Been Up To in Room 205!

This week in 5th grade we went camping (well sort of!). We completed an Inference Project where students "participated" in a camping trip and the various shenanigans that took place along the way. There was a stolen backpack, a doomed hike, campfire stories, and much more! The activity I used was from the Teachers Pay Teachers store called: Teaching With a Mountain View. You can find the activity I used here: Inference Project.

In history this week we turned our class into a courtroom with the Honorable Judge Esterhuizen presiding! The students participated in mock trials of Civil War era figures including: John Brown, Harriet Tubman, Eli Whitney, Cyrus McCormick, and Frederick Douglass. These kids had such a great time researching their arguments and challenging themselves to see things from another point of view. Many students really had to stretch their imaginations to imagine what it would have been like to have to defend someone whom they felt was guilty or to have to prosecute someone whom they thought was innocent! The trials turned out really well! I even had a parent come to me and say that their student came home talking about how much she enjoys arguing! 😛

Researching their case!


I will add some pictures and video of our trials in action once I can get them from my phone! 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Back again!

Well hello there :)

We have been quite busy lately and I have completely forgotten to post any updates! Here's a look at what we've been up to for the past month or so.

First up: We added a new addition to our classroom family. Everyone say hello to Alexander Hamsterton!

This past week was Read Across America and we celebrated with spirit days each day! I will upload more pictures as I get them! Here are some pictures of us buddy reading with Mrs. Harris' 3rd graders.

Reading to Alexander :) 

A few weeks ago the kiddos created cause and effect comic strips! Here are two examples!

Here is a compilation of a few whiteboard activities we have had: 

I ALSO MET R2-D2!!!!! Such an exciting moment :)