Friday, September 2, 2016

Our week in review :)

Things have been pretty busy in Mrs. E's class this week! I truly enjoy each and every day with these kiddos and I am so very glad that each one of them is a part of our class family :) 

 We started the week by getting introduced to nonfiction text features such as: bold print, headings, subheadings, captions, diagrams, the index, glossaries, many others. 

On Tuesday we began a text features sort and scavenger hunt. We used old newspapers to find examples of the text features we learned about and cut them out! 

We also played a text features game in reading groups! 

Students used nonfiction books to identify certain text features within a time frame shown on a card. 

Students also began working on vocabulary word lists and used their vocabulary menus to do some fun activities with their words!

Silas doing "ghost words" with his vocab! 

We wrapped up the week with a bell ringer activity on Friday in both classes. Students came up to the board and used a post-it note to tell us one thing they learned this week!

I hope you all enjoy your 3 day weekend!! 

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