Sunday, November 13, 2016

Our last TWO weeks!

Wow! It has been quite a couple of weeks! I haven't gotten a chance to post in a while but we have definitely been busy in 5th grade.

Over the last two weeks we have finished our studies on the empires of West Africa and have started new material in history, studying colonial America and the reasons behind that colonization.

In reading last week we worked on dictionary skills. This past week we began studying character development in Language Arts. We are analyzing characters from our reading group books and each student is putting together a project based on the character he/she chose. At the end of next week I will have some finished products to show!

For the past two Fridays we have had a question on the whiteboard for the students to answer. As with every week, I always enjoy the powerful insight that these students give me. These kiddos teach me so much each and every day.

A note to end on this week:

Picture a student gave me on Friday...They all know me so well :) 

I hope everyone had a great weekend!

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