Sunday, October 30, 2016

Spirit Week Excitement

We had a very busy and exciting week last week! It was red ribbon week at Check Elementary and each day we talked about what it means to be a bully free and drug free school. I am going to try to get other spirit week pictures up as soon as I can!

I have a couple notable pictures from Throwback Thursday :) These two students did a great job on their costumes!

Audrey Hepburn

Marty McFly :) 

We worked on multiple meaning words this week in Reading class and in history we began a web quest project on the ancient West African Empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai. The students are getting to use Google Classroom for the first time and they are really enjoying it. 

Dictionary Dig! 

The 5th grade kiddos also had their first school dance on Friday and they had a ball! I have some pictures but I don't want to embarrass any of them :) 

 I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend and this fabulous weather! 

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