Saturday, October 1, 2016

A peek at our week!

This week Language Arts was all about WORDS! We worked on synonyms, antonyms, homophones and Greek/Latin Root words.

All week students worked on creating books explaining and giving examples of those word types.

We had more authors share during Free-Write Friday this week too!

Some Pictures from i-Ready Thursday: 

The kids love being able to sit wherever they want on i-Ready days! They are all about comfort :) 

For the past two weeks we have been studying the Native American groups of North America in History class. This week, students each got to choose one of the 5 groups on which to make an informational brochure. They enjoyed getting to be creative this week. 

Here are a few more pictures from the week: 

I love seeing students excited about a new book for reading group! 

Happy readers! 

We finished up the week like we always do, with a Friday whiteboard activity:

Have a great weekend! 

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