Saturday, October 15, 2016

Our short week full of learning

We had one less day this week but that didn't stop our learning! This week we worked on grammar in Language Arts. We learned about verbs and nouns! We watched Schoolhouse Rock to help introduce us to the topic! I told the kiddos that Schoolhouse Rock was something I watched in school at their age too! They got a kick out of that. 

The kids worked on comic strips using at least 10 verbs! Here are some of the results! 

In history we began working on our European Explorer book covers. The students have been tasked with taking on the role of graphic designer for a book cover of a biography on a European Explorer. This project requires research (using our Chromebooks!) and creativity! I am looking forward to seeing the results! I did not get a chance to get any pictures of the researchers in action though, but maybe that means we were just so involved in the project :) 

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather! Go Hokies! 

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