Saturday, October 8, 2016

Our week of Exploration!

This week in Reading we worked on identifying the plot elements in fiction. We worked on this skill by watching a few Pixar shorts and adding their plot elements to a plot graph. 

In History this week we began talking about European exploration of the Americas and West Africa. We talked about the discoveries, struggles, and accomplishments of Ferdinand Magellan, Vasco da Gama, Francisco Coronado, Samuel de Champlain, John Cabot, and Robert Sieur de la Salle. 

Each kiddo created an Explorer "trading card" for an explorer of his or her choice. They had a lot of fun with these! It was also our first adventure using our new Chromebooks for research! 

We ended our week with a few laughs! On Friday, students got to tell one of their favorite jokes :) 

Enjoy your weekend and stay dry!! Go HOKIES! 

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